Since the COVID period, I’ve tried to bring back a bit of social activity to the club outside of the airfield. We organised a Garden party (barbecue) with other committee members that went especially well. We managed to get multiple instructors and a good part of our members for a very enjoyable sunny evening. Then after the summer I thought that it would be good for members to meet more often during winter, because as we move to an effectively 3 days a week operation with frequent weather related cancellations, even very active members can go a long time without seeing each other. So I started to do weekly informal meets in Cambridge pubs during term time. This allows new members to easily ask questions to more experienced members and members to talk about various topics that might or might not be related to gliding. It was quite successful with at least 2/3 people coming regularly and many more coming more randomly. I hope to continue in Easter term although as summer comes back it will become less necessary as we’ll meet on the airfield more often.
Thibaut Pérami (Social Secretary 2022-23)